Good news.

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Good news.

Post by par_putt »

According to this letter we will still need oil and gas, at least until 2040. :shock:

Letter To The Editor (and Published!) of the New York Times
To the Editor:

Re “Stop the Constitution Pipeline,” by Karenna Gore (Op-Ed, April 16):

Clean-burning natural gas is a leading factor in cutting carbon emissions to20-year lows. Locally, New England saw significantly reduced emissions for nitrogen oxide (65 percent), sulfur dioxide (92 percent) and carbon dioxide (35 percent) between 2005 and 2014 primarily because of greater use of natural gas in the power sector.

During that same time period, New York’s carbon emissions dropped 24.5 percent.

Natural gas and renewables are often presented as competing energy sources. Calling for one over the other is a false choice. Natural gas provides reliable power when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine.

According to the Energy Information Administration, even under the most optimistic scenarios for renewable energy growth, oil and natural gas will still be needed, supplying 60 percent of our energy needs by 2040.

The facts argue for expanding pipeline capacity in the region, not reducing it. To continue emissions progress, as well as to reduce consumer costs and keep manufacturing competitive, New York and its neighboring states must prioritize energy infrastructure.


Executive Director

Market Development

American Petroleum Institute

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Re: Good news.

Post by dan_s »

I lot longer than 2040. Wind and solar energy should and will grow, but they can never produce the energy we get from hydrocarbon based fuels. The numbers are just too big.

Natural gas will continue to grow as a primary energy source for the U.S. Plus, we have HUGE supplies of the stuff.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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