If you believe the Chinese...

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If you believe the Chinese...

Post by Cliff_N »

From Phil Flynn:

“if you believe the Chinese government, the country doesn’t import any oil from Iran. Zero. Not a barrel. Instead, it imports lots of Malaysian crude. So much that, according to official Chinese customs data, it somehow buys more than twice as much Malaysian oil as Malaysia actually produces. Impossible? Well, of course. The reality is that China simply rebrands every barrel of Iranian crude it imports as Malaysian — the easiest and cheapest way to defy US sanctions, according to oil traders. It isn’t a small matter: “Malaysia” was China’s fourth-biggest foreign oil suppler last year, behind Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iraq. He says that, “The truth is, the US doesn’t need new sanctions on Iranian oil — it needs to enforce the ones it already has."

He leads off with a throw back to the Mickey Mouse Club:

"Who’s the leader of the club that was made for me. JOE-BID-eeeen. Joe Biden, Joe Biden forever hold your banner high. High, High. For those of you young folks that missed being a part of the Micky Mouse Club, at least you have a chance to become a member of Joe Biden’s “American Climate Corp”. Joe Biden, in an effort to win back the hearts and minds of young, disgruntled Biden voters or perhaps in an attempt to get them to stop protesting at US college campuses across the land, is offering 20,000 jobs to young environmentally minded young folks so the can save the planet from what he sees as the biggest threat to mankind and to “ensure that poverty, race and ethnic status do not lead to worse exposure to environmental harm”. To try to inspire young people and their hearts and minds and votes that he has lost, Biden is trying to summon his inner Franklin D. Roosevelt by trying to copy a 1936 summer camp for underprivileged youth that Roosevelt called the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) to help create jobs during the Great Depression. Now Biden hopes that he can win back some votes by getting them to join this fine club.

While this youthful group cannot wear Mickey Mouse ears, perhaps they could wear caribou antlers because at the same time Biden has decided to block 40% of all oil and gas development in the Alaska National Petroleum reserve in an attempt to protect the so-called native habitat of the caribou and polar bears. Now normally the population of the caribou thrive near warmer oil pipelines but that’s a story for another day."

More here: https://blog.pricegroup.com/2024/04/23/whos-the-leader-the-energy-report-04-23-2024/?utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_gIccLw5iggVKHcA1LAM7c-l5r-CccQfr9sj7KySABVc0jgXh3Chav-S-SVsdNBs1cDOMFjagdLZhljYvt1dn9REIupA&_hsmi=303937788&utm_content=303937788&utm_source=hs_email
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