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Post by dan_s »

"Fads come and fads go, but the thing that they all have in common is that, when we look back from the viewpoint of history, we wonder how they ever became so popular to begin with? Thus begins the saga of "Fracking" and its application to the very safe, heavily-regulated industrial process of hydraulic fracturing by activist conflict groups, the news media and the entertainment industry that has run a similar course over the past ten years. Starting around early 2008, we began to see groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Sierra Club and other major environmentally-focused conflict groups using the term "Fracking" ubiquitously in their messaging campaigns to oppose the oil and gas industry the U.S. The fad has officially gone the way of the Cabbage Patch Doll and tie-dyed t-shirts: you still see it around once in a while, but it's not something everyone is doing anymore." - Forbes

The "Left" needs to get real. If not for horizontal drilling and the incredible improvements in completion technology (fracing is just part of it), refined product prices would be much higher and our standard of living would be on decline. BTW food costs would also be much higher.

We all want a clean environment. We don't need to demonize an industry that provides most of the energy we all consume each day.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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