Trump signs important Executive Order

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Trump signs important Executive Order

Post by dan_s »

Rigzone: Industry reaction to Trump's executive orders
Several industry associations have reacted positively to President Donald Trump’s executive orders signed yesterday, which make it harder for states to block pipelines and other energy projects. The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) welcomed Trump’s actions, with IPAA Executive Vice President Lee Fuller stating in an organization release that the IPAA “consistently has supported development of much needed infrastructure to transport America’s oil and natural gas resources to consumers”. Fuller added that the IPAA supports, in particular, the aspect of the executive orders that calls on the Environmental Protection Agency to update the interim 2010 guidance over permitting under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). “This guidance, overdue for updating, has allowed for implementation of the CWA in a manner inconsistent with the statute and to inhibit projects that are clearly in interstate commerce,” Fuller continued. Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil & Gas Association, said the organization appreciated the administration’s work to bring clarity and certainty to the pipeline construction permitting process. “Demand for Texas’ abundant and affordable supply of clean burning natural gas necessitates modernized infrastructure regulations so that Texas can continue to provide domestic energy security and global stability and make the air cleaner at home and around the world,” Staples stated.

Washington Post: Trump signs executive orders seeking to speed up oil and gas projects
President Trump signed a pair of executive orders on Wednesday seeking to make it easier for firms to build oil and gas pipelines and harder for state agencies to intervene, a move that drew immediate backlash from some state officials and environmental activists. “Too often, badly needed energy infrastructure is being held back by special-interest groups, entrenched bureaucracies and radical activists,” Trump said during a visit to a union training center for operating engineers 25 miles outside of Houston. “The two executive orders that I’ll be signing in just a moment will fix this, dramatically accelerating energy infrastructure approvals.” The executive action seeks to rein in states’ power by changing the implementation instructions, known as guidance, that are issued by federal agencies, according to one of the orders.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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