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Climate Change

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:59 am
by dan_s
One of our members recently met with the congressman from his state to discuss his views on climate change, with the goal of having an open mind on the topic. The note below is from an EPG member in Alabama. I urge you all to watch the five minute video at the link below.

Sent: Sun, Jun 23, 2019 6:56 pm
Subject: Meeting with Congressman Gary Palmer -- Member of the Select Committee on Climate Crisis

Thank you for all the info and suggestions you offered me in conjunction with my preparation for meeting with the Honorable Gary Palmer -- U.S. Representative for Birmingham, AL area. He is one of the six Republicans on the Select Committee for Climate Change (6 Republicans, 8 Democrats) Meeting had to be delayed and rescheduled twice due to schedule conflicts but was finally held on Friday, June 14th. It turned out to be an excellent meeting.

When I first discovered that Palmer had been appointed to the Pelosi sponsored "Select Committee on Climate Crisis" I really had no idea where he stood on the overall Global Warming issue but I was interested in providing him my thoughts and input on the issue. I had incorrectly assumed that Pelosi had selected him as one of the 6 Republicans on the committee (actually I believe Pelosi let the Republican leadership select their 6 members), and if that was the case I assumed he was a believer that CO2 created by burning fossil fuels was the root cause of climate change. However, as I prepared for the meeting I did some research on him and his participation in the committee, -- and to my surprise and delight found that I was going to be "preaching to the choir".

Turns out he is a firm believer that man made CO2 has little if any impact on Global Warming. He understands that both temperature and CO2 levels have been going up and down for literally millions of years, -- during which time there were no homo sapiens driving around in their SUVs making CO2. I prepared a power point presentation to show him but told him up front that he wasn't going to learn much if anything from the slides except possibly find some of the analogies I used to be helpful in explaining: 1) The principal flaw in the Global Warming Theory -- the short time frame the data is based on, and 2) The minute percentage of the atmosphere that CO2 occupies.

I have included several slides from the PPP which addresses items 1) and 2). See Attached.

Here is a link to a video of him questioning several climate experts.
I believe his first question "hit the nail on the head".

While we are fortunate to have this guy on the committee, he is of course fighting an uphill battle since the issue is so politically driven that facts are of no interest to the majority of the committee and members of the House. This committee cannot legislate but they can and will put a report together to send to the House (and Senate?) with recommendations which I am afraid will call for more tax subsidies for the likes of solar and wind, -- and penalties and tax crippling regulations for fossil fuels.

Thanks again for your help and let's hope that Congressman Palmer is able to have some positive impact on the committee and its report to Congress.