Ukraine Update

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Ukraine Update

Post by dan_s »

Note from one of our highly educated members that knows a lot more about Europe than I do.

"The Ukraine war is a direct continuation of the long quest for global control carried by London/Davos et al – and the Ukraine war effort is now collapsing. On that note, Tom Luongo did a very good interview with Alistair Crooke this past week, with Crooke detailing the state of military collapse in Ukraine – which led directly to the NATO summit flop in Vilnius. (NATO leaders don’t really want to support Ukraine anymore because there is no path to victory, but they don’t know how to get out of their current position.)"
MY OPINION: The U.S. has pissed away enough money and ammo in Ukraine. Time to end another senseless war.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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