Ok, Im calling it

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Posts: 3127
Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:48 am

Ok, Im calling it

Post by Fraser921 »

First they came for your gas powered lawnmowers,
they they came for your cars,
then they came for your gas stove, and your gas furnace
then they want to cancel the dishwasher and washing machine

Im calling it, they will want to cut AC in Houston in the summer!


When it comes to climate change you have to just keep cool. Reuters reported that, “The U.S. power system emits more carbon dioxide over the summer months than at any other time of year due to intense demand for air conditioners and other cooling systems during the hottest time of year. From May through August, U.S. power production systems emit an average of 147.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each month as they try to keep the nation’s buildings and homes cool, data from think tank Ember shows. That emissions load is 13% more than the monthly average for the year as a whole, and means that U.S. power producers pollute far more as they try to keep their customers cool in the summer than when they provide energy for heat over the winter. Around 37.8% of total annual power sector emissions are discharged in the four months from May through August, compared with 30.1% for the January to April period, and 32.1% for September through December. Around 90% of the roughly 128 million U.S. households use some form of air conditioning, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the World Population Review.

Now before that makes you feel guilty, look at all the lives that have been saved by air-conditioning. In fact they say that the biggest jump in life expectancy in poor countries in history came from the fact that the cost of buying a air conditioner fell below $100 dollars allowing millions to ward off heat stroke.
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Re: Ok, Im calling it

Post by dan_s »

If they ban AC, I do think Texas will become a new country and most of the South will join us.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
Posts: 3127
Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:48 am

Re: Ok, Im calling it

Post by Fraser921 »

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