War in the Middle East

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War in the Middle East

Post by dan_s »

In a surprise attack on Saturday, Palestinian militants fired at least 2,200 rockets toward Israel, the IDF said. Hamas claimed at least 5,000 rockets were fired, all landing in southern and central Israel.

At least 500 people have died and over 2,000 have been injured in Israel and hundreds more fatalities have been reported in Gaza after rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel by Hamas militants, Israeli authorities said.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said 232 are dead and 1,790 others are injured in Gaza. According to the Israeli Health Ministry, at least 500 people are dead and 2,000 others are injured in Israel.

The Israeli Defense Forces have declared "a state of alert for war," according to a statement issued by the IDF early Saturday morning.

A senior White House official told reporters Saturday evening that it is "too early" to know what involvement, if any, Iran had in the attacks in Israel.

"It's too early to say whether the state of Iran was directly involved or planning, supporting," the senior administration official said. "We are going to be looking at that very closely."

"That said, there's no doubt Hamas is funded, equipped, armed by Iran and others," the official added.

Several Israeli officials, including President Isaac Herzog, have claimed that Iran helped coordinate the attacks.

The White House official said President Joe Biden and the administration have been in contact with Palestinian and Israeli officials throughout the day.

"We are in deep talks with the Israelis about some of their particular needs," the official said.

-ABC News' Fritz Farrow
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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Re: War in the Middle East

Post by dan_s »

Hamas is the Palestinian militant faction that governs the Gaza Strip, a 230-square-mile area where more than two million people live. Israel and the U.S. have designated Hamas a terror organization, and both countries accuse Iran of directly funding and supporting the group.

Gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world and has been under Israeli blockade since 2007.

Israeli authorities said they were still fighting Hamas militants in six locations inside Israel Sunday morning.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday that Israel was engaged in "a long and difficult war," and he vowed that the Israeli military would use all of its strength to destroy Hamas.

"All the places that Hamas hides in, operates from, we will turn them into ruins," Netanyahu said.

"Get out of there," Netanyahu urged Gaza residents, who have no way to leave the blockaded territory, as Israel cut off electricity to the region.

The Lebanon-based Hezbollah group, meanwhile, said it fired dozens of rockets Sunday morning at Israeli positions in a disputed, Israeli-occupied region known as the Golan Heights, which borders Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Hezbollah said the attack using "large numbers of rockets and shells" was launched in solidarity with the "Palestinian resistance."

The U.S. government says that, like Hamas, Hezbollah gets most of its funding and support from Iran.
Dan Steffens
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Re: War in the Middle East

Post by mikelp »

and thanks to Joe Biden's $6B ransom just paid to Iran

Hamas and Hezbollah get a large amount of their funding from
the United States

Team Biden insists the money is still held in banks in Qatar
and the money can only be used for food & medicine

Qatar, who has stated that they support Hamas' terrorist invasion of Israel

if you believe Iran will honor that agreement with the Biden White House
you deserve to have your lunch money stolen,
like Iran has done repeatedly to the Obama & Biden administrations
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Re: War in the Middle East

Post by dan_s »

Does our government not understand that money is fungible? We gave $6 Billion to Iran on September 11th (Why that specific date you might ask) and we have not been enforcing the sanctions on their oil exports for two years.

Even if the $6 Billion is used for food & medicine, it just frees up other money that Iran can use to build rockets and other weapons that are shipped to Hamas and Hezbollah.
Dan Steffens
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Re: War in the Middle East

Post by Fraser921 »

>Team Biden insists the money is still held in banks in Qatar
and the money can only be used for food & medicine > They should refreeze it

Would we give Hitler 6 b during WW2 only to be used for food & medicine?

Is he that stupid or does he think the citizens are that stupid to buy this BS?
The media repeated this absurd claim.

I saw a report that some of the terrorist's were using American made weapons. If true, Where did they get them from? Afghanistan or Ukraine or both
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Re: War in the Middle East

Post by mitchl »

Publish date June 18 2023

”The commander told Newsweek that Israel is concerned over the risks of weapons provided by the United States and other Western nations to Ukraine ending up in the hands of Israel’s foes in the Middle East, including Iran.

This Israeli commander added that some of the US small arms left in Afghanistan have already been seen in the hands of Palestinian groups active in the Gaza Strip.”

It seems to me that even if you fund the so-called “good guys” there is no guarantee where those weapons and dollars will end up.

I live in a blue state and I’m confident voters here will buy the food and medicine narrative all day. There is no way nice on twitter ice cream eating Joe could have had anything to do with this at all! :roll:
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Re: War in the Middle East

Post by Fraser921 »

Breaking News Israel: US weapons left behind in Afghanistan used to attack Israel.

A high-ranking Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander said US weapons left in Afghanistan by the Biden administration were found in the hands of Palestinian groups active in the Gaza Strip.

The chaos that erupted after the #US scramble to evacuate Afghanistan as ordered by #Biden and the significant amount of weapons and equipment left behind there has now been used to attack Israel a close ally of the #USA

#Biden is incapable of leadership and a total embarrassment on the world stage.
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