april ng closing at 1.61

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april ng closing at 1.61

Post by Fraser921 »

april ng closing at 1.61

That's like 9.66 crude . unbelievable. > people will be shocked at q1 realizations for ng


from sankey

Waha and El Paso price points are negative. come pick it up, it's free!
The Permian producers who avoid Waha pricing generally sell at Houston Ship Channel, which has not been negative, but it has not been a good price at all.
Permian prices in general starting to look a lot like Canadian natural gas prices. A disaster.

Estimates for dry natgas names need to get crushed further, and bankruptcy is a potential outcome if we are really going to stay weak through 2026.

on crk

"The additional $100m equity investment by Jerry Jones into Comstock is the exact opposite of what we wanted from our perceived key marginal player in North American natgas prices."
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