Almost to the day...

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Almost to the day...

Post by Fraser921 »

see the parallels with Sheffield: 10 bucks they indict him..

Actually this happened in March

On May 1, 2016, the Justice Department charged former Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon with violating antitrust laws. It sent out a press release, which is still on the DOJ website: "Former CEO indicted for masterminding conspiracy not to compete for oil and natural gas leases."

I have been singled out as the only person in the oil and gas industry in over 110 years since the Sherman Act became law to have been accused of this crime in relation to joint bidding on leasehold,” McClendon said in a statement within hours of the indictment. “I will fight to prove my innocence and to clear my name.”

Around 8 a.m. the next morning, a business associate received an email from McClendon. The two had bumped into each other the evening before at an Oklahoma City restaurant where McClendon was dining with his daughter, Callie Katt. McClendon seemed normal, the person later told Marcus Rowland, who spent 18 years as Chesapeake’s chief financial officer under McClendon. The email was little more than a “good to see you last night” and discussion of some business matters, Rowland said.

Not long after McClendon sent that message, he climbed into his SUV. As he cruised north along a two-lane country highway, he picked up speed, traveling well above the posted 50 miles per hour. With thick, bushy trees on both sides of the road, McClendon had limited maneuvering room. His car hit a concrete wall supporting a highway overpass at 9:12, according to the initial police report.

The details of the crash still have police investigators scratching their heads: The front-end of his car struck the overpass support head-on. They have yet to determine whether it was an accident or a suicide but their early comments suggest the embattled shale tycoon may have intentionally crashed his car.

“He pretty much drove straight into the wall,” Oklahoma City police Capt. Paco Balderrama said shortly after the crash. “There was plenty of opportunity for him to correct and get back on the roadway, and that didn’t occur.
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