Climate Change Wackos keep Africans poor

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Climate Change Wackos keep Africans poor

Post by dan_s »

If a lie is repeated enough times, most people will believe it.
Example: Several years ago, the Climate Change Wackos told us that Texas was going into a multi-decade "Perma-Drought". For those of you living with me in Texas: Does this look like a Perma-Drought to you?

I believe that "Climate Change" is real, but very little of it has to do with what humans do. Plus, we cannot control the Earth's climate no matter how many $Trillions we spend. The Earth's climate is extremely complex, and it was designed to be self-balancing.

NOTHING can replace the massive amount of energy we get from fossil fuels, but the Wackos keep telling us it is possible. If a lie is repeated enough times, most people will believe it.< It is all about money and power. Fear is a powerful emotion used to control the population.

What we can do is improve the lives of millions of poor people by allowing them to have access to modern farming methods.

Read the article at the link above.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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