Now we know who has been running America

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Now we know who has been running America

Post by dan_s »

WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump set to take place next Monday, White House insiders revealed that the mood was somber as Jill Biden prepared for her final week as president.

After spending four years as the chief executive of the United States, Jill was reportedly winding down her daily itinerary and taking what sources described as a "bittersweet" inventory as she got ready to no longer be the person running the country.

"Not being President is going to be a big change for her," said one insider. "It's just what she's been used to for so long. She's been carrying the mantle of responsibility this whole time, and it's going to be difficult for her next week to just hand over the reins to someone else."

One highly placed source within the Biden administration said Jill would do her best to tie up any loose ends before leaving office on January 20th. "She's still got a few important meetings left," the insider said. "She'll be issuing some pardons to some of the most evil people in human history, sending another $50 billion or so to Ukraine, and if she can get around to it by the weekend, she'd really like to finally get World War III kicked off. It'll be a busy week, but these last few attempts to bankrupt and destroy America won't just get done by themselves."

At publishing time, White House staff also revealed that the last week of Jill's presidency would also include a significant amount of time spent packing up Joe's toys and clearing out the playroom.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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Re: Now we know who has been running America

Post by JBEnergy »

And democrats run the Texas House once again as turncoat dustin burrows and a handful of selfish, petulant "republican reps" join with all the democrats to once again steal the speakership. This is against the will of the majority of the republican house caucus, the vast majority of republican precinct chairman, voters and county parties across the state. This is a gutting of any integrity in TX legislature and makes a mockery of any interest in following the will of the grassroots or the TX GOP.
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Re: Now we know who has been running America

Post by mikelp »

this account from Speaker Johnson is more shocking evidence

this makes my blood boil

thank goodness this ends on Monday
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