I warned you

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Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:22 am

I warned you

Post by dan_s »

You can't say I didn't warn you. For years I have been telling anyone that would listen that alternative energy companies were terrible investments. Any company that depends on tax credits and other forms of government subsidies to survive is at best a bad investment and more likely a total scam. These companies can not compete as long as natural gas prices stay under $6/mcf and that is going to be a long time. Wind and solar only makes sense in remote areas that have the right conditions. They can never be a significant percentage of our energy supply. - Dan

This Energy Sector is Collapsing
By Keith Kohl | Thursday, January 10th, 2013

We've heard a lot about the promise of so-called "green" energy over the past few years...
And how it will finally lead us all to energy independence.

But let's face it: "Green energy" as we know it is a scandalous rip-off — and a total failure.

After countless big promises (and billions of taxpayer dollars), wind, solar and geothermal provide a mere 9% of America's energy needs.

Just one look at Solyndra, the once-heralded solar company, sums up the whole "green" scam quite nicely...

These guys alone leached $535 million (more than half a billion dollars!) in public funds before going belly-up and undergoing an FBI investigation.

But they're far from the only culprits in this whole fiasco...

Just a couple of months ago, a company by the name of Himin Solar had their IPO terminated and was suspended from the stock exchange entirely.

Then there's BrightSource Energy, the outfit bailed out by Obama last year despite being $1.8 billion in debt.

The scary thing is these are only a few names on a long list of companies just like them...

In just the last year alone, dozens of other solar, wind, and geothermal firms filed for bankruptcy or are on the verge of doing so... after gorging themselves on $90 billion of OUR money.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
Posts: 34725
Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:22 am

Re: I warned you

Post by dan_s »

The boards of these companies should go to jail.

> Electric car battery producer A123 hiked executive pay 36% after canning 125 employees...
> First Solar, one of the world's largest solar companies, slashed 2,000 jobs in April — after increasing executive and CEO pay to $50 million...
> Willard & Kelsey Solar Group lent its executives $500,000 and paid them $1 million — before beginning operations...
> Beacon Power paid executives $260,000 in bonuses as it collapsed...
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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