Aug. 1: American Eagle Energy (AMZG) at The Hess Club in Houston
Aug. 6: Propell Technologies (PROP) / Novas Energy at the Doubletree in Dallas
Aug. 16: Victory Energy (VYEY) at The Hess Club in Houston
Register under the Calendar Tab on our website. Invite a friend to join you. We are very close to our goal of 500 members. Getting people to our luncheons is the best way to attract new members.
Special Event: On Saturday, August 3rd: I will be speaking to the Houston Rebels Investment Club at 9:30 AM. I will be discussing several of the Sweet 16 and some of our High Yield Income Portfolio stocks. There are a limited number of seats available for EPG members. They meet in a church near the Hess Club.
Send me an e-mail if you would like to attend.
August Luncheons
August Luncheons
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
Energy Prospectus Group