Why fossil fuels will be needed for at least 100 more years

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Why fossil fuels will be needed for at least 100 more years

Post by dan_s »

Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBVmnKuBocc&t=3709s

It is over an hour long, but it is well worth the time.
It is the best explanation of why renewables will NEVER come close to replacing the energy and materials we get from fossil fuels.
If your time is limited, at least watch the first 15 minutes.

My Conclusions:
> The vast amount of metals needed to replace fossil fuels with wind, solar, nuclear, etc. does not exist on Earth.
> Just to replace 10% of the energy we get today from oil, gas and coal with wind and solar will take decades, not years.
> We must get back to funding more exploration for oil and gas or we won't have enough energy to run the global economy by 2030.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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