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CO2 is the Control Knob for the weather....myth is unraveling.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:32 pm
by Cliff_N

"When I Covered Climate Change for Reuters I Thought CO2 Was Certainly to Blame for Rising Temperatures. I Was Wrong."

Dan has shared with us that people are waking up to the hoax. A good book on the topic, Green Fraud, love this quote:

"The global warming coalition can accurately be called climate change cause deniers. They deny the hundreds of causes and variables that influence climate change and instead try to pretend that carbon dioxide is the climate control knob overriding all the others factors and that every bad weather event is somehow “proof” of “global warming” and an impending climate “emergency.”

Morano, Marc. Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse than You Think (pp. 43-44). Regnery Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Great book!