Volt Lithium Corp. (VLT) Update - May 21

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Volt Lithium Corp. (VLT) Update - May 21

Post by dan_s »

Volt Lithium Corp. is hosting our live webinar on May 24 at 10AM CT.

Volt is one of the companies that is bullish on being able to produce lithium from brine oilfield water. Some oilfields produce salt water that also contains a high concentration of lithium. Volt is starting a pilot project this quarter in Alberta to extract up to 93% of the lithium in an oilfield that is operated by Cabot Energy. If the pilot project is successful, they will move forward with a commercial plant later this year.

Here are the slides that Volt's CEO will be speaking during our webinar on Wednesday:

I am bullish on lithium, graphite and copper. These are the primary elements needed for rechargeable batteries.

Go to our website to register for Wednesday webinar.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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