AI is going to require A LOT MORE ELECTRICITY - Mar 27

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AI is going to require A LOT MORE ELECTRICITY - Mar 27

Post by dan_s »

Today in Energy: AI is a Power Hog. The Trouble is, the Trough is Getting Empty.

Popular Science published an excellent article Monday detailing the exploding power demands from developers of AI technologies that will soon overwhelm and run every aspect of our society, for better or worse. The story reports some compelling nuggets of information about the issue, including:

A March International Energy Agency forecast estimates input-hungry AI models and cryptocurrency mining combined could cause data centers worldwide to double their energy use in just two years.

A recently released peer reviewed data analysis [finds] energy demands from AI servers in 2027 could be on par with those of Argentina, the Netherlands, or Sweden combined.

Former U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, argued renewable energy production may fall short of what is needed to power this projected data center growth.

“We’re not going to build 100 gigawatts of new renewables in a few years,” Moniz said.
MY TAKE: The only near-term solution is to build a lot of natural gas fired power plants. We need at least ten more in Texas NOW to get through a hot summer without power outages. This need for more electricity + increasing demand for U.S. LNG is why the long-term outlook for U.S. natural gas is bullish. The term "long-term" used here is next year.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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