Problems with the website

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Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:22 am

Problems with the website

Post by dan_s »

The guy that handles the website screwed up (not Kim). We set up the Founding Members as a separate class from the Premium Members. He gave them only Basic Member access.

It has been fixed so you should have full access now if you are a "Founding Member". Sorry.

Founding Members keep their rate of $125/year for as long as they maintain their membership. They have exactly the same access as the Premium Members. This is their reward for having the faith in us and taking the early risk to get this going.

We picked up several members today at the luncheon. As of right now we have a total of 153 members.

Our goal is to get EPG membership up to over 400. As a way to help us you can sign up anyone to receive our newsletter. We believe the newsletter is the best way to introduce people to EPG. Go to the home page and click on the new link at the top. Add 5 contacts right now that might enjoy this group.

Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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