ExxonMobil wins its defense against NY AG lawsuit

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ExxonMobil wins its defense against NY AG lawsuit

Post by John.A.Hunt »

Good news for now.
XOM successfully defends itself from a ridiculous lawsuit launched by the New York State Attorney General.
IMHO this was an abuse of the legal system, an abuse of power by New York authorities.

https://www.timesunion.com/news/article ... 896195.php

The judge wrote: "The attorney general’s office, Ostrager added, "failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that ExxonMobil made any material misrepresentations,” regarding the prospects of its stock price going forward."

However - that clique of the legal community has apparently swallowed the kool-aid of "climate change" Chicken Little alarmism hook, line, and sinker (please excuse the mixed metaphor). So that faction of carbon-phobes will probably attack us again by waging unethical lawfare.

A yellow flag - the judge also wrote: "“Nothing in this opinion is intended to absolve ExxonMobil from responsibility for contributing to climate change through the emission of greenhouse gasses in the production of its fossil fuel products," wrote Barry Ostrager, the state supreme court justice in Manhattan who presided over the trial."

This is a serious problem. Because it appears a New York State Supreme Court Justice in Manhattan doesn't believe in presumption of innocence . . . when talking about an oil and gas company.
Instead, that very significant judge uses a myth to verbally attack people who have done nothing wrong, a defendant in his courtroom that just won its case.

Should we add lawfare-risk to the risk profile of trying to do business on the NYSE?
Harold Hamm recently mused on whether it is worth the trouble to remain a publicly traded company. Malicious actions such as the above by the NY AG don't help.

CO2 is not a problem, it is not a "control knob" for global temperatures.
The co-founder of Greenpeace, Dr. Patrick Moore, testified to the U.S. Senate in 2014 that atmospheric CO2 was 10 times higher during an ice age 450 million years ago. Dr. Moore (and many others) testified to a whole slew of other data that shows the folly of the alarmism-hucksters.
https://www.techtimes.com/articles/3940 ... debate.htm
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Re: ExxonMobil wins its defense against NY AG lawsuit

Post by dan_s »

Instead of "Climate Change", I believe in "Climate The Same".

Ever since I was in grade school all I've known is that it gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter with mild temperature in between. I don't expect that to change prior to my death or anytime because I believe God created a darn good weather system for Earth.

Water vapor has over 100 times more impact on the Earth's temperatures than CO2 does.

PLUS: We should be much more concerned about Global Cooling than Global Warming anyway. If the sun goes into a prolonged dormant period, which some people think is long overdue, then even a mini Ice Age would reduce the Earth's farmland. We already have difficulty feeding the ever-growing human population, which will soon top 8 Billion.

Our elected officials keep this FEAR alive because (a) most of the folks seem to believe it despite no real evidence to support the wild claims that we'll all be dead in a few years and (b) they want to use the FEAR to raise taxes. Both parties use FEAR to get votes and gain more power over the "sheep". Think for yourself and don't believe ANYTHING coming from the mouth of someone running for political office. As long as the polar bears keep having little polar bears we are going to be fine.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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