I agree with Aaron Rodgers: Dr. Fauci should be fired

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I agree with Aaron Rodgers: Dr. Fauci should be fired

Post by dan_s »

Aaron Rodgers, the star quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, decried the appeal to authority on the "Pat McAfee Show," those who say science shouldn't be questioned, equating that fallacy to propaganda.

"If science can't be questioned, it's not science anymore; it's propaganda," Rodgers told an excited McAffee.

"That's the truth," he added. "When did science become this blind agreement [about] not having any debate over what can actually heal people and work for people. That makes no sense to me."

Rodgers' comments come in light of his recent infection with COVID-19, during which he followed up with a series of treatments that did not include a vaccine. "I also got better in 48 hours," from the treatments he added. "And I had symptoms."

In a separate appearance on McAfee's show, Rodgers questioned why there was no public discussion on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle to combat the virus.

"Throughout this entire time, there hasn't been real conversations around health…As far as giving people, you know, things to think about when it comes to how to be healthier, right? As far as your diet, vitamins, exercise and those kinds of things," Rodgers stated.
MY TAKE: In early 2020 a "Real Doctor" based in St. Louis where I grew up, who has now treated and cured thousands of Covid-19 patients told me that people with a healthy immune system need not fear the virus. He told me to take daily supplements of vitamins C & D3 and Zinc. He also said to drink 8 oz of tonic water per day. He also said wearing masks made no sense to him other than being a constant reminder to social distance from sick people (always a good idea). Last winter I had some mild symptoms, but never tested positive for Covid-19.
IMO Dr. Fauci should have been fired immediately for claiming that he was science. He has been pushing vaccines and masks that don't work.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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