War Drums Heating up Straits of Hormuz

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Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:15 am

War Drums Heating up Straits of Hormuz


What will be the impact of the current activties in the Hormuz straits. I am reminded once again of Schumacher's warning that "People will appreciate most those who say Stop Look and Listen rather than Look It Up in th Forecast. Here we go again footing the bill and the risk to keep the straits open at U S Tax Payer Expense so China and India can get cheap oil. For a thorough discussion of the important and timely topic please go to my web site http://TheWorldEnergyDilemma.com and look under the news section. Apparently you will have to copy and paste. The last two links under news just posted give a comprehensive review of this situtation, stay tuned.

By the way Dan and EPG are supporters of me and the book referred to in the Web Site.

Lou Powers
Posts: 35713
Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:22 am

Re: War Drums Heating up Straits of Hormuz

Post by dan_s »

If you are new to our Forum, Lou Powers is an expert on the Middle East.
Dan Steffens
Energy Prospectus Group
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